


How to create a boosted post

You can boost posts from your Facebook business Page to reach more people and promote your business.

How to create a boosted post

To boost a Facebook post:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page.
  2. Find the post you want to boost. This may include a Jobs, Event or video post.
  3. Select Boost Post. You can find it at the bottom right of your post. Note: If you are unable to select Boost Postboosting may be unavailable for this post.
  4. Fill in the details for your ad. We'll automatically use images and text from your post, but you can choose the following details:
    • Audience: Choose a recommended audience or create a new audience based on specific traits. Note: If your ad is part of a Special Ad Category, your audience options may be limited.
    • Total Budget: Select a recommended budget or provide a custom budget.
    • Duration: Select one of the suggested time frames or provide a specific end date.
    • Payment Method: Review your payment method. If you need to, you can change or update your payment method.
  5. When you're done, select Boost.

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