


Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server

 Send test e-mail message: Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).

I see this a lot and had to solve it a long time ago for my computer business.  This solution should help people who have moved their computer or trying to use it on different Internet Service Provider (ISP) connection.

Many outgoing e-mail (SMTP) server addresses are ISP specific. When changing ISP, even temporarily, the outgoing server address must be changed. Every ISP that I know of has a mobile setting that will work on any network. Try that one and see if it solves your problem.  Many of the ISP tech support websites hide this information because they just assume that the customer is always on their network.

 If I am working on a computer that was on a typical Time-Warner Roadrunner connection, its Outlook program will receive messages but not connect to the outgoing e-mail server because it detects that it is no longer on the Roadrunner network.  My shop is on AT&T DSL.  To resolve this, I change the outgoing server address to and the outgoing server port to 995.  This resolves this problem every time.

Thanks for your value times!

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