


how to install package is incompatible with this version of macos

There are some problem that install Avid Media Composer on iMac OS X 10.15. In versions of OS X prior to El Capitan, the ability to edit files in system and other system locations was restricted to root. Now, in OS X El Capitan, Rootless means that there is no longer the ability for root to edit these files. This means that El Capitan Rootless blocking can happen with standard installer packages, because even though a password has been entered into the standard OS X administrator privileges dialog box, the ability to write files to locations that the system may read from has been prevented. The following error message is shown if you attempt to install a package in 10.15 with Rootless enabled. 

This will allow the user to make modifications to protected locations and thus allow to make modifications on behalf of the user. System Integrity Protection can be disabled once has finished making the modifications, however this may cause problems if write access to containing folders is required in the future by the app.

In cases where the software or files that needs to be installed in a protected location is supplementary to the functionality of the software, you may be able to extract the core files from the package and install it yourself in a different location. A good app for doing this is Pacifist, which allows you to open packages (and meta-packages) and extract individual files and folders to custom locations. 

To disable System Integrity Protection, you can do the following:

- Step 1: Restart your Mac then press command + R

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- Step 2 : Go to terminal at the top

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- Step 3 : Type csrutil disable then press enter


- Step 4 : Restart your MAC

- Go to terminal then type sudo mount -uw / than press enter

- Step 5: type : kill all finder then press enter

- Step 6 : Startup to install Avid Media Composer again with work correctly

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